CITEX 2014 Ankara Bilişim Fuarı
20 Kasım 2014Kazakistan’dan Gelen Misafirlerimiz
15 Temmuz 2016Informatics Events, which has been organized by Turkish Informatics Association/Society (TBD) since 1976, gathered under the same roof with CITEX Ankara Informatics Fair which was held for the first time in Ankara with the cooperation of “Turkish Informatics Association/Society and GL Events”
The event was held at the Congresium ATO International Convention and Exhibition Center in Ankara with the theme “Numerical Agenda 2020” between 06-09 November 2014. The event organized by the synergy of all the components of the information technology industry and attended by more than 300 local and foreign speakers. In the event, including more than 40 profession groups workshops formed by Turkish Informatics Association. Our company had a stand informed its guests about the Drug Tracking System.